
2006年2 月5日《坐看雲起時》專欄﹐2 月7 日上網


      「來到美國才知道信懷南這個人﹐我爸每周都去買世界周刊,禮拜天的副刊總有一篇他寫的雜文。他什麼都寫,時事政治, 明星影視,人生感悟。幾乎他的每篇文章,都可以讓我感到有趣和有意。60 歲的老頭,看過了,經歷了﹐慷慨的與我們分享他的智慧。」


      智慧的光芒曰﹕「天下萬物﹐大多數都是名過其實 (over-rated) -- 包括寫這篇文章的人在內」。今以食衣住行試舉例說明之﹕

      大閘蟹是名過其實﹐香乾肉絲是實過其名(under-rated)。每年大閘蟹上市季節﹐兩岸三地的「傻客」(sucker) 把牠當寶貝。售錢亂貴不算﹐現在還有蓋印驗明正身的新玩意出現。陽澄湖撈上來的﹐比別的湖養大的有多大區別﹖吃到肚子後去的地方是一樣的﹐幹嘛要那麼貴﹖




      游泳池是名過其實﹐壁爐是實過其名。掌門人的白頭髮﹐少說四分之一是為了家中游泳池搞白的。所謂游泳池﹐比台北洗三溫暖的池子大不了多少。樂趣早隨家中孩子長大而 GWTW。剩下來的後遺症﹐麻煩一大堆。

      倒是壁爐﹐在停電的夜晚﹐天寒地凍的冬天﹐功用非常大。你領略過把桔子放在爐火中烤熱來吃的味道嗎﹖「蓋滿白雪的屋頂﹐難道屋子裡就不能有熊熊的火在燃燒嗎﹖」是60 歲老頭追年輕美眉的名言。壁爐不但有實用價值﹐還俱人生哲理﹐豈是游泳池可比﹖



     人生行旅﹐本來就是在天地間對萬物做名過其實﹐還是實過其名的認定。智慧的光芒﹐點到為止。「更無柳絮因風起﹐惟有葵花向日傾 」﹐願共勉之。

懷南補記﹕其實你應該知道﹐這篇文章是標準的「信文」。前面全是似是而非的「信口開河」到了最後﹐突然風格一變﹐正經起來。尤其是用「更無柳絮因風起﹐惟有葵花向日傾 」共勉。其中有真意﹐欲辯已忘言。

     說到正經的事。FNDR Foundation 正式上路。從今以後﹐信懷南的所作所為都以這個 Foundation 的成長為第一優先考慮。英文說﹕"Don't count the chickens until the eggs are hatched." 在過去的三個多月﹐我收集了不少「蛋」。從現在開始﹐我要看多少蛋能孵出多少「雞」。如果你還不是我們的一員﹐請看 《 Fndr Project 最新認捐結果 》。 和請看下面我寫給 FNDR 專案成員最新的一份專案進度報告。我真希望你能加入我們的行列。

My Dear Friends:

      Thanks to my good-old-buddy Mr. Robert Chang of Robert Chang Accountancy Corporation, FNDR Foundation is incorporated. A bank account is now established.

      Before you decide to turn in your checks, please allow me to reiterate the following key points, and I beg your pardon for my bluntness:

  1. FNDR is not a 501C(3) organization yet. This means the check you send me now is not tax deductible.
  2. Eventually FNDR Foundation will become a 501C(3) organization. By then, your contribution to FNDR Foundation will be income tax deductible.
  3. I have no plan to "spend" the money I collected from you any time soon. I'd treat the bank account as a "saving reservoir" for a while. Until the total deposit reaches to a certain level -- say $30,000 for example, we won't touch it.
  4. My original plan (have enough money to build a school) remain to be the #1 choice of the first FNDR Project. This plan however, is neither our final decision nor our only choice. At this moment, I have not targeted any individual or organization to support.
  5. The most important ingredient of the FNDR Projects is our mutual trust. If you have any doubt of my intention, style, method, or any concern of to whom the money I should or should not send to. Please do not send in the check. By the way, I think it is safe to say I will not send your money to Fa Lun Gong (they have a lot of money already. Amazing!).
  6. I'd be more than happy to listen to your suggestions, leads, and will keep you well informed. But this is not a "management by voting" operation. I reserve the right to make the final decision by myself alone.
  7. John MacArthur Foundation remains to be my ideal model. Therefore, the name of FNDR could stand for many things, but the one I like is "Friends of Never Demand Returns". That's our spirit.

     So, you may send in the checks now. Make sure to pay to the order of FNDR Foundation, P.O. Box 325, Orinda, CA 94563

      Once your check is received, I'll e-mail you to confirm. I will update 0502 survey result table accordingly. Please include your e-mail address in your letter for quality control.

      May I take this opportunity to thank Mr. Robert Chang again. I kept on asking him to tell me the cost of incorporating the foundation. But he refused to comply. Who know, may be old age makes us all mellow. Or may be he feel "guilt" now -- when we were young, he used to clean me out on Ma-Jiang table (almost all the time) ....

      Yes, I am going to Chicago to give a talk on March 5, 2006. They promised to support our project. If you are coming to the meeting, please make sure to introduce yourself before or after the meeting. I like to meet you and say thanks to you in person.

FNDR Project -- We do it simply because it is the right thing to do

請代號 "hh" 住 Milpitas California 的朋友與我聯絡。你的 e-mail 似乎有誤。信老被退回。