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        ¦b©Ò¦³±Ð¨|¤l¤kªº¤è¦¡¤¤¡M¡u¨­±Ð¡v¬O³Ì¦³®Äªº¤@ºØ±Ð¨|¤è¦¡¡C19 ¥@¬ö­^°ê¦³¦Wªº¸Ö¤H William Wordsworth ¦³¤@¥y«Ü¦³¦W¦ý¤£®e©ö©ú¥Õªº¸Ö¥y¡R The child is father of the man. ³o¥y¦W¸Ö©M Like father like son ªº²[¸q¦³ÂIÃþ¦ü¡M¬O¡u¦³¨ä¤÷¥²¦³¨ä¤l¡vªº·N«ä¡C§Ú­Ìªº¤l¤k¡M§N²´®ÇÆ[§Ú­Ì¤é±`ªº¦æ¬°¡M³oºØ¼ç²¾Àq¤Æªº¤O¶q¡M»·»·¶W¹L§A§Úªº·Q¹³¡C§Ú­Ì±`»¡¡u¨¥±Ð¤£¦p¨­±Ð¡v¡M¨­±Ð¨ä¹ê¤]¦³¥¿¤Ï¨âºØ¤è¦¡¡M§A¥i¥H¹³«Ü¦h¦¨¥\ªº¤÷¥À±Ð¤l¤k¤°»ò¬O¹ïªº¨Æ¡M¦ý¤]¥i¥H¾Ç§Ú¡M§Ú´¿¸g§i¶D§Ú¨à¤l¡R¡u§Ú¹ï§A³Ì¤jªº·R¡M´N¬O¥Ü½dµ¹§A¬Ý¡M¤°»ò¨Æ°µ±o¤£¹ï (things NOT to do)¡C¡v³o¤]³\¬O§Ú©M§Ú¨à¤l¶¡ªºª±¯º¸Ü¡M¦ý­«­nªº¬O¡R±Ð¾i¤l¤k¡M¦pªG¯àµ½¥Î¤Ï­±±Ð§÷¡M®ÄªG©M¥¿­±±Ð§÷¤@¼Ë¦³¥Î¡MºÝ¬Ý®aªø­Ì·|¤£·|¡u±Ð¡v¡C

        Kahlil Gibran ¬O¾¤¤Ú¹à¥X¥Í«á¨Ó¤JÄy¬ü°êªº¸Ö¤H¡M¥Lªº¸Ö¶È¦¸©ó²ï¤h¤ñ¨È©M¦Ñ¤l(¬v¤H§â¡m¹D¼w¸g¡n·í¸Ö½æ)¡M¸¹ºÙ¦b¾ú¥vºZ¾P±Æ¦Wº]¤W¦W¦C²Ä¤T¡CKahlil Gibran ¥Í«e¼g¹L¤@­ºOn children ªº¸Ö¡M¸Ö¤H¥Î¤}¡M½b¡M®g¤âªºÃö«Y¨ÓÄÄ­z¤÷¥À±Ð¨|¤l¤kªº¹D²z¡M¦¹¸Ö¬O¥ô¦ó°µ®aªøªº¥²Åª¤§ª«¡C

        ¡u·Qªk¡v (thoughts) ¼vÅT¡uºA«×¡v (attitude)¡M¡uºA«×¡v¼vÅT¡u©Ê®æ¡v (personality)¡M¡u©Ê®æ¡v¼vÅT¡u¤H¥Í¡v (life)¡C¤÷¥Àªº·Qªk¼vÅT¤l¤kªº·Qªk¡M³Ì«á¼vÅT¥L­Ìªº¤H¥Í¡C³o½g¤å³¹¡M¬O§Ú°eµ¹¤Ñ¤U¦~»´ªº¡M¦~ªøªº®aªø­Ìªº·s¦~§ª«¡C

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       OK, ¤å³¹¤¤´£¨ìKahlil Gibran ªºOn children ¡C·Ó§Û¦p¤U¡M¦U¦ì¦Û¤v¥hÅé·|§a¡C

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you can not visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but to seek not to make them to like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,so he Loves also the bow that is stable.

       °£¤F§Ú»{¬°¤÷¥Àªº·Qªk (thoughts) ¥i¥H¼vÅT¤l¤kªº·Qªk¥~¡M§Ú¹ï³o­º¸Öªº°ò¥»¬Ýªk§¹¥þ¦P·N¡C¦ý¿Ø¨ëªº¬O·í§Ú§â³o­º¸Ö°eµ¹§Ú¨à¤l«á¦³¤@¤Ñ§Ú°Ý¥L¹ï³o­º¸Ö¦³¤°»ò¬Ýªk¡S¥L»¡¥L¨S¥J²ÓŪ¡CYou see what I mean? °µ¤÷¥Àªº¯à¤O (power) ¨ä¹ê«D±`¦³­­¡C


Ãh«n¸É¸É°O (1/13/11)¡R¦¬¨ì´X«ÊŪªÌ¨Ó«H¡C¤@¦r¤£§ï¡Mªþ¿ý©ó¤U¡C¤@¨Ö­PÁ¡C

Mr. Xin:

        Right On! I could not agree with you more. ¡§¹B®ð¡¨is everything. You can do everything right but getting different result. What works for you not necessary works for me. Just like running software, sometimes a warning message shows up: ¡§Unpredictable result may happen, proceed with care¡¨. Raising kids is very much the sameJ. My personal observation is ¡§¤T·³©w²×¥Í¡¨.



(¨Ó«H¬°Â²Åé¦r¡M³Q§Úªº¤¤¤å³nÅé²Î¤@±¼¤F¡C¯S¦¹Án©ú¡C Ãh«n)

Å¥»¡¦B¤ßªì¨ì¬ü°ê®É,¦b±d¤Dº¸¾ÇFranais, ´Nµ¹"The Prophet"°g¤W¤F, ¦o¬O²Ä¤@¦ì§â¥¦Ä¶¦¨¤¤¤åªº.«á¨Ó§ÚŪ¨ì­JÓ쪺"Ãö¤_§Úªº¨à¤l".§Ú»{¬°¦h¤Ö¬O±q"Children" ¸Ö¤¤®©¨Óªº.(¤£¦n·N«ä»¡¬O§Û¨Óªº). ¯¬Í»¦w     ©P¯ó

Dear Mr. Xin:

        Thank you for introducing me Wordsworth's poem, which I never paid attention to. As far as the verse ¡§The child is father of the man¡¨ is concerned, there are so many different interpretations that I can find on the web. Your interpretation of the verse is ¡§Like father like son¡¨ or ¡u¦³¨ä¤÷¥²¦³¨ä¤l¡v. My interpretation is different. I hope I can share mine with you.

        The first few lines of the poem go like:

My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old, or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;

        It seems to me what it said was, the excitement of beholding a rainbow on the sky never changed in the poet, whether he was a little baby, or an adult, or when he grows older. In terms of Chinese, I would prefer ¡§¥Ñ¤p¬Ý¤j, ±q¤p¬Ý¤j¡¨ as more appropriate translation.

Best Regards,




        ³o¤@´Á§Aªº¤j§@¡y¼gµ¹®aªø¬Ýªº¡z¡A¦n¦º¤£¦º¡A¸ò¤W¶g¥½¥Xª©ªº¤@¥»±È°_°aµM¤jªiªº·s®Ñ­è¦n¼²´Á¡C¬°¤F¾P°â°_¨£¡A³o®Ñ·íµM±o¨ú¤@­ÓÅT«Gªº®Ñ¦W¡A¥s°µ¡¨Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother¡¨¡A¦³ÂIÀ~¤H¡C¥Î¦Ñ¤¤¼Ð·Ç¨Ó¸ò¬Ý§ó¬O²¤¶û±i¤ú»R¤ö¡A¥i¬O»·¤£¤ÎµØº¸µó¤é³øªº·s®Ñ²¤¶¼ÐÃD¡¨Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior¡¨§ó¬°®ª°Ê¡C³o¤U¤lѶ½°¨¸ÁºÛ¡Aºô¤W½|Án¤£Â_¡C¥¿¤Ï¨â¤è·N¨£¥÷¶q¨¬°÷¼g¥X¥t¥~¤@¥»®Ñ¡A§A¤@©w·|¦³¿³½ì¡C

        ¦¹®Ñ§@ªÌ¥s°µAmy Chua¡A¬O­Ó¯ªÄyºÖ«Øªºµá«ß»«µØ¹´¡A®Ú¾ÚWiki¡A¥Lªº¤÷¿Ë¬OUC Berkley¹q¾÷¨tªº¦W±Ð±Â¡A²¾¥Á¬ü°ê¡AAmy ¥»¤H¬O«¢¦ò¾Ç¤h¤Îªk¾Ç¤h¡A¨â­Ó¤k¨à¦ü¥GÁÙ¬O¤Q´X·³¡A¦ý¬Ý°_¨Ó¤~µØ¬v·¸¡A©Ò¥H³o¦ìAmy¤k¤hÅãµM¹ï¦Û¤v¤@®a¯ª®]¤T¥Nªº±Ð¨|«D±`¦³¦Û«H¡A¦Ó¥B¤£¤¶·N±N¦Û¤v§@¬°¾Ç²ßªº¼ËªO¡C§Ú¥u¬Ý¤FºK­n¡A¦Ñ¹ê»¡¤å³¹¸ÌÀYªº¤f®ð¥H¤Î¤º®e(¨Ò¦p¤C·³¤k¨à¼u¿ûµ^)¡A§ÚÁöµM¤£¯à»¡¤£¼ô±x¡A¦ý¬O§ÚÁÙ¬O²¤¬°¤Ï·P¡C°£¤F¨ØªAAmy¤k¤hªº«i®ð(©Î¬O°]°g¤ß¬©Î¬O·MÄø)¡A¹ê¦b¨S¦³¿ìªk¤j¤OÆg´­¡C³o­Ó®Ñ¥i¯à§ó¥[²`¤F¤@¯ë¦Ñ¬ü¹ï¤¤°ê¦¡±Ð¨|ªº¨èªO¼vÅT¡C

        §Ú­Ó¤H¦P·N«H¦Ñ¤jªº·N¨£¡A´N¬O¤p«Ä¤l±Ð¨|¦¨¥\»P§_¡A¹B®ð§êºt«Ü­«­nªº¦¨¤À¡C³o¥»®Ñ¥i¯à·|´£¨Ñ§Ú­Ì³oÃþ·Qªkªº¥t¥~¤@­Ó·¥ºÝªº¦õÃÒ¡C¤£§«°Ñ¦Ò¤@¤U¤H®a¿ûÅK¬O«ç»ò·Ò¦¨ªº¡C   Jay 1/14/11

Dear Jay:

       §ÚÁÙ¨S¦³¾÷·|¬Ý¹L Amy Chua ªº®Ñ¡M¦ýÃö©ó³o¥»®Ñªº®ø®§¡M¦bºô¤W©M³ø¤W¬Ý¹L¡C®Ú¾Ú¤¤¤å³øªº°O¸ü¡M¦o»¡¦o¼g³o¥»®Ñªº¥Øªº¤£¬O±Ð¤H«ç»ò±Ð¨|¤l¤k¡M¦Ó¬O¤À¨É¦Û¤v³Q¦o¥À¿Ë±Ð©M¦o±Ð¦o¤k¨àªº¸gÅç½Í¡CµØº¸µó¤é³ø§â·s»Dª£¼ö¡MÀ°¦o±À¾P®Ñ¡C³o¬O¦Û¥Ñ¸gÀÙªº¥¿±`¹B§@¡C


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Dear Mr. Xin,

        How are you? It seems to me that 2 different kinds of people might have two different views on parenting or on life in general. Those individuals with so called "inner locus (of control)" tend to believe the degree of achievements are linearly proportional to the level of efforts one puts in. And, the ones with outer locus of control doesn't believe in such co-relation or the certainty of such co-relation.

        Evidently, Amy Chua is such a person strongly believes in "active parenting" (please read the attached). To me, she does take that to an extremely high level.



Teacher Xin:

        I like the poem you introduced.





YZ ¬O¦h¦~Ū¤Í¡M­ì©~¬ü°ê¡M²{®üÂk¤j³°¡C¤@ª½¬O¥ÎÁcÅ餤¤å©M§Ú³q«H¡C»á¬°¤ß·P¡C Ãh¨âªþ°O©ó 1/18/11 ­JÀAÀܳX¬ü¤é

Dear Senior,

        amen to your recent post regarding how to educate the children. to share a bit of your thoughts, the 'luck' that you mentioned in the article, my husband always likes to call it as a kind of 'feng shui', meaning that after fulfilling parents' responsibility to educate the kids, if the family's been granted with good feng shui or = being blessed, then the end result of role-modeling to the children might as well become a win-win situation for both parties...

        i first read 'the prophet' was about eight years ago, my son gave the book to me after he finished reading it. at the time, our two children were at their much younger era, while ourselves as parents, were still lingered around to end the so called 'mid-aged crisis' life; many times we had openly gone through those pros & cons, likes and dislikes - in seeing, learning/weighing, up to a mutual acknowledgment on certain kind of values. some tough times yet precious experiences had been shared amongst, tears and laughs... so to reflect on Kahlil Gibran's 'on children' was at least, taught to be more sensitive if i may say. (his 'on marriage' was also impressing, by the way).

        mutual respect (but not compromise), helped minimizing the gap lay in between.

        there is no 'incidents' though in God's way if you would agree with me.



Dear YY

       ³o¨Ç¦~¨Ó©p¤@ª½ºÙ©I§Ú Senior¡M§Ú·Q©p¤j·§¬O·QºÙ©I§Ú¡u¾Çªø¡v§a¡C§Ú¤£ª¾¹D­^¤å¸Ì¦³¨S¦³¾Çªø³o­Ó¦Wµü¡M¥Î upper classmate ©Î upper schoolmate ¤S¨S¦³¾Çªø¨º»ò¿Ë¤Á¡C

       ©p«H¤¤´£¨ìªº ¡ufeng shui¡vÀ³¸Ó«üªº¬O¡u­·¤ô¡v§a¡C§Ú­Ó¤H¬O¤£«H³o¤@®Mªº¡C¤]³\¦³¤@¤Ñ§Ú·|¼g¤@½g¥s¡m°g«H¹B®ð©M«H¤ß¡nªº¤å³¹¡M³o¬O¤T½X¤l¤£¦Pªº¨Æ¡C¹ï§Ú¨Ó»¡¡M­·¤ô¬O°g«H¡M¹B®ð¬O©ÎµM²v¡M³£¬O«Ü²M·¡ªº¨Æ¡C°ß¿W¡u«H¤ß¡v¤£¬O¤T¨¥¨â»yÁ¿±o¥X¤@­Óµ²½×ªº¡C¥¦¥i¯à¬O¥@¬É¤W³Ì°¶¤jªº±¡¾Þ¡M¤]¥i¯à¬O¥@¬É¤W³Ì¥i¯ºªº·MÄø¡C

       ±q©p There is no 'incidents' though in God's way ªºµ²½×¬Ý¡M©pÀ³¸Ó¬O°ò·þ®{©Î¤Ñ¥D±Ð®{¡C«H¤W«Ò©M«H­·¤ô À³¸Ó¬O mutually exclusive ªº¡C¨S¿ù¡M§Ú¦P·N¦b¤@­Ó¦³«H¤ßªº°ò·þ®{¤ß¥Ø¤¤¡M¤Ñ¤U¨S¦³·N¥~¤]¨S¦³¹B®ð³o¦^¨Æ¡C¯à§_±µ¨ü³o­ÓÆ[ÂI¬O°ò·þ®{©M«D°ò·þ®{¶¡³Ì¤jªºª§½×¤§¤@¡C¡u¤Z¨Æ¨S¦³·N¥~¡v©M¡u¤Z¨Æ³£¦³­ì¦]¡v¤S¬O¨â­Ó¤£¦P¼h¦¸ªº°ÝÃD¡C³o¬O¬°¤°»ò§Ú¤@¶}©l´N«ü¥X¡R¡u¦b§Ú¬Ý°_¨Ó¡M¬Fªv©Êªº°Q½×¡Mµo¨¥ªÌ¾Õªø§â²³æªº°ÝÃD½ÆÂø¤Æ¡R©ú©ú¬O«Ü²³æªº¤@­Ó°ÝÃD¡M°¾°¾­n·d¨ì¯u²z¶VÅG¶V®ð¤~¤@«¡¦Ó´²¡C©v±Ð©Êªº°Q½×«h¥¿¦n¬Û¤Ï¡R©ú©ú¬O«Ü½ÆÂøªº°ÝÃD¡M°¾°¾­n¥Îone size fits all ªº¼Ð·Çµª®×¥hµw®M¡Mµ²ªG¬O»¡¤Fµ¥©ó¨S»¡¡C¡v¡C³o¤j·§ºâ±o¤W´xªù¤H¤Ö¦³ªº¥Í¥­Á`µ²¤§¤@¤F§a¡C   Senior Schoolmate Ãh«n·qÂÐ 1/20/11)

Hi, Xin Dai Lo

        Will email you my thoughts on parenting. Though I do not have the opportunity to become a mother, I would like to share my thoughts on parenting. In a lot of ways, I don't agree on how my late father's way - too strict in a way, and if I may say, he doesn't know what he is doing. Yes.. everybody learns to become a parent, nobody will get a degree in Parenting before they have babies. However, unfortunately, my Dad was in the education sector, and he was a U-grad (really top of the cream in his era). For this reason, there is always a grudge in me that I should have achieved much better than I fare now. Of course, I am not using my Dad as an excuse for what I can't achieve, but just to be fare, like my sister-in-law commented, my Dad pushed us too hard, but didn't give us adequate resources (including the freedom to experience and explore) and support.

        I have 4 siblings, but I grew up alone, really alone. My elder sister and brothers had not taught me nor discussed anything with me. My Dad didn't discuss much either with us, only pressed us for good result in school-work. He always said he is there for us to ask questions (his maths, physics, & chemistry are really good!) but, hey.. he didn't realise I don't know what to ask, how to ask. I only ask when I didn't know how to solve a physics or maths problem. Other than that, I just learned the book by heart.. I don't know how to tackle the subjects, the methods.

        Any way, the knowledge and thought about life, I consider myself learning by myself through my own deliberation (with myself). I don't have lots of friends (as my Dad prohibited us socializing) to share thoughts. But somehow, I learn about life, how to behave and react by myself (lots of tears and bitterness, what I described as falling and bumping along the way).

        I don't know about you, but my father had never discussed with us about our future. When I was at school, all I knew was I had to enter university, and for that I had to pass the Form 5 open exam with good results. With respect to what major in university, what career, what are my interest, we never talked. I knew nothing about university curriculum, GPA, nothing about my possibilities. All I know was if I could get into universities in HK, then I will be domed. Overseas education was not in my agenda, not even dare to think about it. Not because my family did have the money, but it's just a "strict NO" from my Dad.

        Really, from how ignorant I was with every matters affecting my education and career, my achievement now work-wise and how I grow as a person, it's a miracle!!! I don't regret the twists and turns I spent in coming so far, but if you ask my gut feeling.... I'd wish my Dad would have discussed with me more, gave me more information, let me the freedom to go out and explore. You know what, I was almost 17, and I was scared to take public transport to go from home to Kowloon across the harbour - scared the hell out of me and only relieve when I was back to HK Island again.

        Anyway, will tell you more about my thought of a parent's role. .

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Hi Bob,

        It seems like that ±Ð¾i¤p«Ä is a very hot topic recently. Here's another interesting one (in my opinion).

        Personally, I really don't want my children be a Yes man. However, I feel that we (specially my wife) might have spoiled them too much. One of my sons said to me when I was limiting his video game/TV time during the holidays: "if you don't listen to me, we are not go to listen you." Well, there is a big difference between their understanding of "reasonable" and ours. We send them to Piano lessons and Chinese school. So far they have not complained yet. Guess they understand the give and take because they are planing soccer in a club team year round as well. ¹B®ð!

have a good day. Chao

Hi Chao,

        Both of my two kids have spent 12 years on piano lessons and attending Chinese School. From the point of end-result, it is a total of wasting money and time. However, a message has sent to and imprinted in their mind -- in this family, you can't quit because the going is tough.

        Is this principle (rule) helps them in their lives? the answer seems is a YES! (so far). That is ¹B®ð! too.

Ãh«n·qÂÐ 1/21/11